Objectives of Graduates Follow-up Unit

Objectives of Graduates Follow-up Unit

Item 5: Objectives and follow-up unit for graduates.

1 - Communication with graduates and the faculty with all its departments 

2 - Directing students in the final year to the jobs available in the labor market 
3 - Building an electronic information system through the construction of databases for graduates containing comprehensive data about graduates.

4 - Qualification of graduates to engage in the labor market through the provision of training courses in the areas needed by the labor market.

5 - Helping companies and institutions seeking graduates of the college to reach graduates easily.

6. Follow up the status of graduates in terms of adapting the nature of their scientific qualifications and their special skills as well as contribute to solving the problems of graduates with their employers, if any.

7 - Establishment of the employment forum at the College annually .
8 - Inviting graduates to college events and its activities programs .

Item 6: Mechanisms to implement the objectives of the unit.

1 - Inviting a number of graduates to consult with them for what they suggest to raise the level of graduate studies for discussion through the unit of follow-up graduates as well as the presentation of their experiences to the students through the holding of meetings