Formal aspects for acceptance of researches

Research numbering
   All pages are given serial numbers including pages containing tables, shapes, appendixes, and references. The structure of the research organization is designed to take the following order:
section One: ....................................
1.1 Headlines within each section
1.2.1 Sub-headings within each section
3.2.1 ..................................................
* ........ Detailed points .......
* .............................
*............................. And so on...

Research Summary
   Two abstracts should be submitted for the research: the first in Arabic and the second in English within a limit of 150 words each, each on a separate page, containing the title of the research, without mentioning the names of the researchers. The researcher should highlight in the summary the purpose of the research, its hypotheses, the most important results and recommendations.

Scientific terminology
 At least three words should be written from the main terms used to research at the end of the abstract, to facilitate the indexing process. 

Tables, diagrams, charts:
Tables and shapes must be printed in separate pages, each table shuld be numbered, in addition to creating a title of the table expressing its content.