In implementation of strategic plan of Beni Suef University : Educational seminars in cooperation with the State Information Service

17 Nov 2019

Media Center
Prof. Dr. Mansour Hassan, President of Beni Suef University, announced holding of a series of educational seminars at university faculties to raise students' cultural information and develop their awareness by discussing a range of important intellectual issues and clarifying some misconceptions promoted by violent and extremist groups among youth groups and then working to correct and control them.
This comes within the framework of the approval of the University Council No. 176 under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Mansour to hold educational seminars in cooperation between the Faculty of Arts and the State Information Service, which will be lectured by the Lebanese thinker Mahmoud Haider, Editor-in-Chief of Al Estaarab Magazine.

It is worth mentioning that these seminars include support of qualification of women in participation and the importance of self-employment and rehabilitation of young people to the labor market and raising health awareness of citizens and how to face rumors and correct concepts and false information.